
How to Play Poker Like a Pro

Poker is one of the most iconic card games in history, and it’s played by people all over the world. Whether you’re looking for that adrenaline rush of a big win or the white-knuckle suspense of an all-in call, you can find it with one of the many poker video games available on Steam.

Every action in poker is a story that communicates something to your opponents. Since you can’t see their hands, you have to piece together bits of information they’re giving off through their actions — even when they’re not trying to. This makes poker a game of storytelling that requires an analytical mindset and a keen understanding of how to read your opponents.

Each betting interval (round) begins when a player puts chips into the pot, and each player to their left must either call that amount or raise it. Players can also “drop” if they don’t want to put any chips into the pot or aren’t sure whether their hand has good value.

Beginners should play tight and avoid playing crazy hands – ideally, you want to fold 80% of your preflop hands unless they’re strong. Bluffing is less important than people think, but it should be used sparingly and strategically. From the way poker is portrayed on TV to what you hear from your friends, it might seem like bluffing is the best way to beat people in a hand, but the truth is it’s not.